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New Deal airports, schools, hospitals, post offices, art, highways and more are still in use 75 years after they were built. No city, town, or rural area was untouched by the New Deal.
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Latest from the Fireside

The Fearless Federal Theater
Compared to the New Deal’s overall expenditures, the budget of the WPA arts projects was laughably small, and the Federal Theater Project’s was even smaller—a mere tenth of one percent. But the Federal Theater, begun in 1935 under the bold… read more
Latest from the Lowdown
“Republic of Detours” Wins New Deal Book Award
Scott Borchert is the winner of the Living New Deal’s first annual New Deal Book Award for his 2021 book about the Federal Writers’ Project, Republic of Detours: How the New Deal Paid Broke Writers to Rediscover America (Farrar, Straus and Giroux)…. read more

The Legacy of the New Deal in The Inglewood, CA Post Office The Daily Breeze has published a piece on the New Deal-funded bas-reliefs that have enlivened the Inglewood post office since the New Deal era. Read the whole piece… read more
New Deal Today

Video: In Landscape Harmony: New Deal Bridges for the Oregon Coast
Oregon national associate Judith Kenny and videographers Logan Duello and Alex Hilton recently produced a short video on the five Public Works Administration (PWA) bridges that completed the Oregon Coast Highway (Hwy 101). The five bridges serve the southwest coast… read more
New New Deal

“How the first New Deal remade America”
Living New Deal advisor, Nelson Lichtenstein, wrote a piece on the infrastructure, social and physical, of the New Deal. Read the piece here.
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Living New Deal Events
- December 7 Webinar: COVID-19 and the Great Depression.
COVID-19, the Great Depression, and the Battle between Memory and Forgetting Wednesday, December 7, 8:00 p.m. Eastern/5:00 p.m. Pacific Organized by Living New Deal-NYC Both the Great Depression and the COVID-19 pandemic raised profound questions about government responsibility for public… read more
I found a newspaper article that my husbands grandmother’s brother owned and ran the Inn from 1934-1939. He name was… »