City Hall Murals – South Gate CA

The South Gate City Hall contains two murals depicting people involved in economic activity and leisure activities. The murals were painted by Arthur Prunier and Frank Bowers. They were funded by the WPA’s Federal Arts Project in 1941.
South Gate Community Center – South Gate CA

“By the early thirties, the city was outgrowing its municipal buildings, so property for a civic center was acquired. The location was on California Avenue between Firestone and Ardmore Boulevards. The first building was a library, to be leased to… read more
South Gate Community Center Mosaic – South Gate CA

The mosaic is situated in the entrance to the building (formerly the South Gate Public Library). It has recently been designated a culturally significant landmark. “The tile mosaic entitled Evolution of Writing was created by Stanton MacDonald-Wright during his employ… read more
South Gate Community Center Murals – South Gate CA

These tempera murals depicting the “History of Printing Through the Ages” were created by Suzanne Miller with FAP funds. There were originally five panels in this series; two have been destroyed, but the murals depicting the history of printing in… read more