Oceanside Bandshell – Oceanside CA

The original bandshell was built by the WPA, though it was dismantled in the 1940s and rebuilt in the 1950s.
The original bandshell was built by the WPA, though it was dismantled in the 1940s and rebuilt in the 1950s.
This post office, constructed by the federal government in 1935, is home to Elsie Seeds’s 1937 mural, “Air Mail,” and Stuart Holmes’s 1936 wood carving, “Eagle,” both for the Treasury Section of Fine Arts.
Elise Seeds (Cavanna) painted “Air Mail” at the Oceanside CA Post Office. This 16′ x 6′ oil on canvas depicts a mail plane flying over a California landscape. For more on Elise Cavanna’s work, see Dr. Film, Our Man and… read more
This 4′ x 3.5′ carved wooden eagle and grille are on display over the exterior of the post office’s front entrance.