Edward Vincent Jr. Park – Inglewood CA

Otherwise known as Centinela Park. The WPA built the park’s water fountain and eight tennis courts in the 1930s. Other structures may have been built at that time too–more documentation is needed. From an article in Inglewood Today: “Archibald Garner… read more
Grevillea Art Park – Inglewood CA

The mural “History of Transportation” is 8 feet high and 240 feet long, composed of 60 panels. It is made of cast concrete and terrazzo paneled walls and is one of the last examples of petrachrome mosaic art (that is made… read more
Inglewood High School – Fine Arts Building – Inglewood CA

The fine arts building was reconstructed in 1936, including: removing brickwork to make the building more earthquake safe, installing new columns and beams to carry vertical loads, building a new fireproof starway, rearranging windows to bring in more light, updating… read more
Oak Street School – Inglewood CA

One story frame and stucco building partitioned into 8 classrooms and a cafeteria.
Post Office – Inglewood CA

The Post Office in Inglewood CA was constructed by the Treasury Department in 1935. It was needed because of damage to the previous post office in the Long Beach earthquake of 1933 and cost $210,000 (Gnerre 2022) The design of… read more
Post Office Bas-Reliefs (Exterior) – Inglewood CA

Four plaster bas-reliefs, depicting a buffalo, bear, ram, and lion, decorate the exterior of the Inglewood CA main post office. They sit between the first and second floor windows of the front of the building. These sculptures were created by… read more
Post Office Wood Bas-Relief (Interior) – Inglewood CA

A mahogany wood bas-relief by Archibald Garner, entitled “Centinella Springs,” frames a doorway inside the main post office in Inglewood CA. It depicts early California settlers drawing water from a local spring. (Inglewood was briefly known as “Centinella” in the 19th… read more
Veterans Memorial Building – Inglewood CA

This handsome brick building was constructed by the WPA in 1934 in Centinela Park (otherwise known as Vincent Park). Centinela Park also contains WPA tennis courts.