Chevy Chase West Reservoir – Glendale CA

Works Project Administration (WPA) project No. 7214, sponsored by the city of Glendale. “This project provides for the construction of a reinforced concrete distributing reservoir of 5,000,000 gallon capacity with connecting pipe lines, and a roadway for maintenance and service…. read more
City Garage – Glendale CA

A 1939 Report on WPA works in Southern California describes WPA involvement in the construction of this large city garage, which is still standing today. WPA Work Project No. 996 employed an average of 79 men for 7 months. “Sponsored… read more
Glendale Civic Auditorium – Glendale CA

Constructed by the WPA under projects 3635, 6994, 7706 and 9392 in 1938. When constructed it was called the Verdugo Municipal Recreation Center and was sponsored by the city of Glendale. “This project, costing a total of $736,422 of which… read more
Glendale Community College Buildings – Glendale CA

Several of the Community College (formerly Junior College) main buildings were designed and built by the PWA. “Construction of the new campus ran a little over budget and a bit behind schedule, which wasn’t bad since planning for these federally-subsidized… read more
Glendale Community College: C.A. Nelson Memorial Fountain – Glendale CA

This Glendale Junior College fountain “Memorial to C.A. Nelson” is by Robert Boag. Created out of small tiles, it is about five feet tall and has three tiers. The bottom shows an ocean scene, the middle prehistoric villagers, and the… read more
Glendale Community College: Grounds Improvements – Glendale CA

This WPA project include grading, landscaping, the construction of storm drains and other flood controls, and the construction of an athletic field with grandstand and tennis courts. The PWA had recently completed the college's buildings.
Glendale Community College: Petrachrome Benches – Glendale CA

Petrachrome table and benches at Glendale Junior College. Round table and benches by Jane Mussy. Straight memorial bench artist unknown.
Glendale High School – Glendale CA

The Works Progress Administration improved a playground on the site of the Glendale High School.
Glendale Public Library (former) – Glendale CA

The old Glendale Public Library was built in the early 1900s. The WPA added two wings between 1940 and 1942. Unfortunately this building was replaced by the current library in 1973 and demolished in 1977.
Herbert Hoover High School Improvements – Glendale CA

The WPA constructed a retaining wall around Herbert Hoover High School, and repaired the auditorium. Both the retaining wall and the auditorium still stand. The auditorium is the only remaining building from the original school construction. Figures below are for… read more
Jefferson Elementary School – Glendale CA

The WPA improved the grounds of Thomas Jefferson School in the Glendale Unified School District. Location confirmation is needed, but the address here is the only Jefferson school located in that school district today.
Marshall Elementary School Building – Glendale CA

The Marshall school was originally constructed in the late 19th century and was a brick building. It was rebuilt in the late 1920s and featured a classic Greek-style entrance. Some work was done in 1931 but ruined by the 1933 earthquake…. read more
R. D. White/Doran Street School – Glendale CA

The WPA reconstructed the Doran School for almost $100,000 in federal funds. Given location and architectural style this is almost certainly what is now known as the R. D. White Elementary School at the above address.
Verdugo Wash – Glendale CA

The Army Corp. of Engineers was central to New Deal flood control efforts all over the country. The Verdugo Wash in Los Angeles County was one such project. “Verdugo Wash is a 9.4-mile-long (15.1 km)[1] tributary of the Los Angeles… read more
Verdugo Wash, Canada Blvd Bridge – Glendale CA

A concrete bridge over the Verdugo Wash constructed by the Army Corp. of Engineers in 1938.
Verdugo Wash, Concord St. Bridge – Glendale CA

A 100 ft riveted, 5-panel Pratt through truss bridge over the Verdugo Wash.
Verdugo Wash, Geneva St Bridge – Glendale CA

98 ft. Vierendeel pony truss bridge over the Verdugo wash constructed by the Army Corp. of Engineers.
Verdugo Wash, Glenoaks Blvd. Bridge – Glendale CA

1 of 3 Vierendeel pony truss design bridges in the US. Built by the Army Corps. of Engineers in 1937. The bridge crosses the Verdugo Wash at Glenoaks Blvd.
Verdugo Wash, Mountain St. Bridge – Glendale CA

A two lane concrete bridge over the Los Angeles River in Glendale CA constructed by the Army Corps. of Engineers in 1936.
Verdugo Wash, North Kenilworth Avenue – Glendale CA

A very rare Vierendeel pony truss bridge over Verdugo Wash on Kenilworth Avenue in Glendale Ca. built by the Army Corp. of Engineers.
Verdugo Wash, San Fernando Rd. Bridge – Glendale CA

The Verdugo Wash Bridge is the first significant bridge on US 99 north of downtown Los Angeles. It is a steel girder structure built in 1939 by the US Army Corp of Engineers. The Verdugo Wash was lined with concrete… read more