Auburn City Hall and Firehouse (former) – Auburn CA

This art deco style WPA building is no longer used for official business. Now the fire station side holds the Boys and Girls Club, while the other side is used by small businesses.
This art deco style WPA building is no longer used for official business. Now the fire station side holds the Boys and Girls Club, while the other side is used by small businesses.
In 1938, WPA labor constructed a stone retaining wall outlining the east and north edges of the Auburn Veterans Memorial Hall property. The approximately 380’-long wall is made of pieces of uncut native stone laid in random courses. The wall… read more
The WPA built rubble walls in the city of Auburn in Placer County.
This 1930s WPA amphitheater in the Auburn School Park Preserve was recently restored and is still used for local events.
This building was originally built as a mining exhibit hall for the 20th Agricultural District Fairgrounds. It became the first Placer County Museum in 1948. The WPA built much of the rest of the Gold Country Fairgrounds as well.
"In Placer County, several buildings and beautification projects were funded entirely or in part by the WPA. A June 24, 1939 article in the Placer Herald noted several WPA projects in the region such as the City Hall and Firehouse… read more
On May 15, 1937, the Placer Herald noted: "Trustees of the Placer Union High School and Junior College District have accepted the new $85,000 gymnasium, completed under direction of W.E. Coffman, architect, by J.C. Meyers, contractor. The new edifice is… read more