Public Utilities Improvements: Water, Telephone, and Electric Plant – Ketchikan AK

Public Works Administration project W1026 funded improvements to the Ketchikan waterworks ($7,307), phone system ($4,411), and electric plant ($4,140). Waterworks and phone system improvements were approved 6/22/1938 and the electric plant was approved 7/7/1938. Construction began during August 1938 and was… read more

Totem Bight State Historical Park – Ketchikan AK

In 1938, the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) developed the Totem Bight State Historical Park. The park, believed to be the site of an old Tlingit fish camp, was part of a larger U.S. Forest Service program focused on the restoration of… read more

Totem Bight State Historical Park, The Clan House – Ketchikan AK

The Clan House is a replica of a community house representative of houses built in the early nineteen-century native villages of Southeast Alaska. It served as the chieftain’s dwelling and it also housed several families part of his clan. The… read more