Bond School Home Economics Building – Louisville, MS

The National Youth Administration funded the new frame construction of the Bond School’s Home Economics Building in Winston County. W.P. 5187, Application #903; NYA. I-A2-80″ (Series 2018)
The National Youth Administration funded the new frame construction of the Bond School’s Home Economics Building in Winston County. W.P. 5187, Application #903; NYA. I-A2-80″ (Series 2018)
“Legion State Park, also known as Legion State Park Historic District, is located in the red hill country of Louisville, Mississippi, and area originally inhabited by the Choctaw Indian Nation. It is one of the original Mississippi state parks developed… read more
The post office was built by the Treasury Department in 1935 in a Colonial Revival style. The post office was enlarged with an addition in 1989-90 by architects Samuel “Sambo” Mockbee, Coker, and Tom Howorth. As so many small communities… read more
The mural, “Crossroads,” was installed in 1938. Karl Wolfe of Jackson, MS was one of only three Mississippi artists commissioned by the Treasury Section of Fine Arts for one of the 28 works installed in the state. He was paid… read more
The old Winston County Library was the first public libary in Winston County, Mississippi. The Colonial Revival, 1-story building is currently in use as a Girl Scout Hut. “The building is eligible [for Mississippi landmark status] as an intact example… read more