Gas Mains – Canton MS

Gas mains were installed and lines extended with PWA project 3708. Construction started Oct. 30, 1934 and was completed Jul. 30, 1935 for a total cost of $185,243.
Gas mains were installed and lines extended with PWA project 3708. Construction started Oct. 30, 1934 and was completed Jul. 30, 1935 for a total cost of $185,243.
Public Works Project Mississippi 110 enlarged the Canton High School. The addition added a gymnasium with stadium seating, 11 classrooms, library, study hall, dark room, music room and recital hall, club room, clinic, principal’s office, restrooms, athletic director’s office, janitorial… read more
PWA project x1333 for improvements to Canton Municipal Utilities was approved Sep. 16, 1938. A $31,500 grant and a loan for the same amount was awarded. Construction began Dec. 19, 1938 and was completed Jul. 28, 1939.