P.H. Hoeft State Park – Rogers City MI

The CCC did extensive work in the park, including building a day use area and an impressive log and stone picnic pavilion on the shores of Lake Huron.
The CCC did extensive work in the park, including building a day use area and an impressive log and stone picnic pavilion on the shores of Lake Huron.
The post office in Rogers City was completed in 1940 with funds provided by the Treasury Department. Louis A. Simon was the supervising architect and Neal Melick was the supervising engineer. It is also the site of James Calder’s 1941… read more
This oil-on-canvas mural, entitled “Harbor at Rogers City,” was painted by James Calder and installed on September 16, 1941. Calder painted three post office murals in Michigan, including “St. Clair River” in St. Clair and “Waiting for the Mail” on… read more