Cochituate Fire Station (former) Improvements – Wayland MA

The W.P.A. conducted improvement work to the former Cochituate fire station. Work included interior and exterior repainting.
The W.P.A. conducted improvement work to the former Cochituate fire station. Work included interior and exterior repainting.
Multiple New Deal agencies contributed to the construction of water mains and development of the water system for Wayland, Mass. Examples of water mains installed or replaced: Stanton St., Harrison St., and Dunster Ave. in 1933; Old Connecticut Path and… read more
F.E.R.A. developed a bathing beach at Dudley Pond in Wayland, Mass.
Lakeview Cemetery in Wayland, Mass. was improved by Civil Works Administration (C.W.A.) labor.
F.E.R.A. improved the grounds at the library in Wayland, Mass. in 1934.
North Cemetery in Wayland, Mass. was improved by Federal Emergency Relief Administration (F.E.R.A.) labor. Work included reconstruction of the entrance and rotten stump removal.
F.E.R.A. conducted improvement works to the old town hall building and grounds in Wayland, MA.
Multiple New Deal agencies contributed to safety improvement work and other road development in Wayland, Mass. For example, work in 1934 included the widening of Hazelbrook Ln., Rice Rd., and Stone Bridge Rd. [Pelham] Island Road and Oak St. were… read more
Multiple New Deal agencies contributed to the construction of sidewalks in Wayland, Mass.
South Cemetery in Wayland, Mass. was improved by Federal Emergency Relief Administration (F.E.R.A.) labor. Work included the rebuilding of cemetery stone walls.
The historic Wayland Town Hall building was constructed as the town’s high school during the Great Depression. It was built as a New Deal project, undertaken with federal Public Works Administration (P.W.A.) funds. The P.W.A. supplied a $30,025 grant for… read more