Post Office – Ipswich MA

The historic Ipswich post office was built in 1939 with Treasury Department funds. The building, which houses an example of New Deal art, is still in use today.
The historic Ipswich post office was built in 1939 with Treasury Department funds. The building, which houses an example of New Deal art, is still in use today.
The mural “Ipswich Tax Resistance—1687″was painted by Saul Levine with Treasury Section of Fine Arts in 1941. It hangs in the lobby of the historic Ipswich, Massachusetts post office.
Ipswich’s historic town hall building was originally constructed as the community’s high school between 1935 and 1937. The Public Works Administration (P.W.A.) supplied a $105,075 grant for the school’s construction, whose total cost was $265,575. Construction occurred between Dec. 1935… read more