Anniversary Park – Holyoke MA

Works Progress Administration (W.P.A.) laborers worked at Anniversary Park in Holyoke, Mass. Work included the construction of a recreation center and winter sports facilities.
Works Progress Administration (W.P.A.) laborers worked at Anniversary Park in Holyoke, Mass. Work included the construction of a recreation center and winter sports facilities.
Works Progress Administration (W.P.A.) labor repaved Appleton St. in Holyoke, Mass.
The Works Progress Administration (WPA) conducted improvement work at the historic armory building in Holyoke, Mass. WPA project details: “Improve interiors of building and construct retaining wall” Official Project Number: 165‐14‐2516 Total project cost: $16,057.00 Sponsor: Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Military Department… read more
Works Progress Administration (W.P.A.) laborers demolished the former Dickinson paper mill on behalf of the city of Holyoke, Mass. WPA Bulletin: The Dickenson [sic] Paper Mill property, idle for the last nine years, has been purchased by the city and… read more
Now the ECOS Environmental Center, this facility by Porter Lake in Forest Park was constructed as a field house by the Works Progress Administration (W.P.A.) in 1936-7. It was known as the “Warming House” and was used for skating until… read more
Works Progress Administration (W.P.A.) labor widened Elm St. in Holyoke, Mass.
In response to heavy flooding after a severe storm in 1936, Works Progress Administration (W.P.A.) labor—under the direction of U.S. Army engineers—constructed dikes along the Connecticut River in many Massachusetts communities, including Holyoke. The exact status and locations of these… read more
Medium: oil on canvas This 1936 Section of Fine Arts mural by Ross E. Moffett depicts “Captain Alezur Holyoke’s Exploring Party on the Connecticut River.” The mural depicts the original explorers of the Connecticut River lead by the town’s namesake… read more
Mackenzie Field is located in Holyoke, Massachusetts, next to Holyoke High School. In 1938, the concrete bleachers on the 1st base side of the field are a WPA project done at a cost of $35,392.
Works Progress Administration (W.P.A.) conducted the improvement work around McLean Reservoir in Holyoke, Massachusetts. WPA Bulletin: At High McLean Reservoir, Holyoke, WPA is improving the travel-way. Work includes widening and eliminating curves, extending culverts, grading gutters for surface drainage and… read more
Works Progress Administration (W.P.A.) workers developed Holyoke’s Mitchell Field ca. 1937.
According to the Wikipedia page for Mount Tom, “In 1933 the Civilian Conservation Corps assisted with the construction of reservation structures and park roads; their work also remains visible today.”
Works Progress Administration (W.P.A.) workers widened Northampton Street ca. 1937.
Constructed by the Treasury Department in 1934. This is an elaborate building with a large amount of marble on the interior, art deco moulding, a bas relief eagle above the door, and reliefs in the wall on the front highlighting… read more
Works Progress Administration (W.P.A.) labor constructed sidewalks on Northampton St. and other streets in Holyoke, Mass.
Springdale Park in Holyoke contains a large brick building constructed by the WPA in 1935-36. The building is currently used for storage by the Parks Department.
"This War Memorial Building serves the city of Holyoke as a community center. The ground floor contains a large room for dances and entertainments, a kitchen, and a men's lounge in addition to the various service rooms. The first floor… read more
Works Progress Administration (W.P.A.) workers rebuilt the road around Whiting Reservoir in Holyoke, Massachusetts. From a W.P.A. Bulletin: Whiting Reservoir, Holyoke, a rippling splash set in a beautiful green countryside, is bordered by a narrow, dangerously curved road, lacking gutters,… read more