Broadway Repaving – Chelsea MA

Works Progress Administration (W.P.A.) laborers repaved Broadway in Chelsea, Mass.
Works Progress Administration (W.P.A.) laborers repaved Broadway in Chelsea, Mass.
Works Progress Administration (W.P.A.) labor created Malone Park in Chelsea, Mass.
Works Progress Administration (W.P.A.) labor created Merritt Park in Chelsea, Mass.
The W.P.A. conducted improvement work at the former Naval Hospital Boston / Chelsea Naval Hospital in Chelsea, Mass. The area “is located along the Mystic River, west of the Northeast Expressway, in Chelsea. While the buildings are now privately owned, they… read more
The Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works (a.k.a. Public Works Administration, or PWA) sponsored construction of the North Metropolitan Relief Sewer. Sections 102 and 103: “Section 103 is located in Everett and Chelsea and consists of about 3675 linear feet of… read more
1939 MDC annual report: “A traffic circle was constructed at the intersection of Revere Beach Parkway, Garfield Avenue and Webster Avenue, Chelsea. The northwesterly approach to the traffic circle was reconstructed. All the work was done under P.W.A. Docket No…. read more