Adams St. Reconstruction – Boston MA

Adams St. in Boston, Mass. underwent reconstruction as part of a Public Works Administration (P.W.A.) project.
Adams St. in Boston, Mass. underwent reconstruction as part of a Public Works Administration (P.W.A.) project.
Albany Street Bridge Over Boston & Albany Railroad. “The city requested a grant from the Government for bridge alterations as follows: Altering and strengthening Boylston Street Bridge; rebuilding Berkeley Street Bridge and rebuilding Albany Street Bridge. The total cost of… read more
Alford St. in Boston, Mass. underwent reconstruction as part of a Public Works Administration (P.W.A.) project.
Works Progress Administration (W.P.A.) constructed a field house at American Legion Field in Boston, Mass. WPA Bulletin: WPA workmen have erected a modern field house, essential for the health and convenience of those who use the recreational facilities at the… read more
A Boston Public Works Department report cited Federal Emergency Relief Administration (F.E.R.A.) labor as conducting the following work: “Meridian Street Bridge [now Andrew P. McArdle Bridge] … was chipped, cleaned and painted. … Repaving and repairs were made to the… read more
The following water main was laid as part of a Public Works Administration (P.W.A.) project: “Arborway, from Pond and Prince streets, to Forest Hills street …”
The bridge carrying the Jamaicaway over Huntington Avenue, near Brookline, was constructed with NIRA funds. The structure was renamed in 2017 for the sons of Boston Marathon bombing hero Carlos Arredondo.
Ashmont St. in Boston, Mass. underwent reconstruction as part of a Public Works Administration (P.W.A.) project.
W.P.A. project description: 1938 Massachusetts Metropolitan District Commission annual report: “Blue Hills Division, in Boston; this project provided for extensive beautification work of road construction, sidewalk construction, grading of roadside slopes, drainage, etc. in Stony Brook Reservation, Bellevue Hill Section,… read more
Works Progress Administration (W.P.A.) conducted the following work in East Boston, Massachusetts. WPA Bulletin: Bennington Street, East Boston, main artery between Sumner Tunnel and Revere and Winthrop has been resurfaced with asphalt by WPA. Street car reservations have been eliminated… read more
Berkeley Street Bridge Over Boston & Albany Railroad. “The city requested a grant from the Government for bridge alterations as follows: Altering and strengthening Boylston Street Bridge; rebuilding Berkeley Street Bridge and rebuilding Albany Street Bridge. The total cost of… read more
A Boston Public Works Department report cited Federal Emergency Relief Administration (F.E.R.A.) labor as conducting the following work: “Major repairs were made to Blakemore Street Bridge, in order to increase the load capacity from 8 to 15 tons.”
Works Progress Administration (W.P.A.) conducted drastic improvement work at the South Boston Army Base in Boston, Massachusetts. WPA Bulletin: At the Army Base, South Boston, WPA employed more than 1000 men repairing and altering buildings, warehouses, wharves, roads, grounds and… read more
The W.P.A. conducted substantial improvement and development work at the then-Boston Navy Yard, which was located southeast of Chelsea Street in Charlestown. The details—including description, Official Project Numbers, total costs, and sponsors—of more than two dozen W.P.A. projects undertaken at the Navy Yard can… read more
Boylston Street Bridge Over Boston & Albany Railroad. “The city requested a grant from the Government for bridge alterations as follows: Altering and strengthening Boylston Street Bridge; rebuilding Berkeley Street Bridge and rebuilding Albany Street Bridge. The total cost of… read more
A Boston Public Works Department report cited Federal Emergency Relief Administration (F.E.R.A.) labor as conducting the following work: “Broadway Bridge was chipped, cleaned and painted.” Spanning Fort Point Channel, the bridge has since been demolished as the area has been… read more
The following water main was laid as part of a Public Works Administration (P.W.A.) project: “Brookline avenue, from Brookline-Boston boundary line to Kenmore square, approximately 4,600 linear feet 48-inch pipe.”
The W.P.A. conducted restoration and preservation work at the Bunker Hill Monument. “Such colossal monuments such as the stone shaft at Bunker Hill, Grant’s Tomb, and the Statue of Liberty have been repaired, have had their grounds beautified, or have… read more
Huntington Avenue intersects but also passes under Massachusetts Avenue in Boston at Symphony Hall; the Charles H. Innes Memorial Underpass has a bronze plaques identifying it as a WPA project.
Works Progress Administration (W.P.A.) workers constructed a bathing beach and recreation site along the Charles River by the end of Longfellow Bridge, in 1936. The project included a baseball diamond, benches, and shelters. WPA Bulletin: Children from Boston’s hot and… read more
A Boston Public Works Department report cited Federal Emergency Relief Administration (F.E.R.A.) labor as conducting the following work: “Warren and Charlestown Bridges, repairs to fender piers. Retaining wall at Charlestown Bridge repaired.”
A Boston Public Works Department report cited Federal Emergency Relief Administration (F.E.R.A.) labor as conducting the following work: “[T]he Chelsea Viaduct was repaved and a guard rail constructed.”
A Boston Public Works Department report cited Federal Emergency Relief Administration (F.E.R.A.) labor as conducting the following work: “Extensive alterations were made to the office of the Bridge and Ferry Division, 602 City Hall Annex.”
Works Progress Administration (W.P.A.) labor constructed a park at what was then known as the Boston City Hospital. WPA Bulletin: This new park in the rear of the Administration Building, Boston City Hospital, was laid out and planned by WPA… read more
The Works Progress Administration (WPA) conducted substantial improvement work at the historic Commonwealth Armory. The facility was demolished in 2002. The details—including description, Official Project Numbers, total costs, and sponsors—of more than a dozen W.P.A. projects undertaken at the armory can be found in… read more
A Boston Public Works Department report cited Works Progress Administration (W.P.A.) labor as conducting repair work on the “Eastern Avenue bridge,” a.k.a. Congress Street bridge.
As part of a Public Works Administration (P.W.A.) project a combination sewer was built along Cottage St. from Porter St. to Maverick St. P.W.A. Docket No. Mass. 4193-N
Works Progress Administration (W.P.A.) labor conducted improvements at the since-demolished Cushman School in Boston, Massachusetts. The facility was located at 44 Prince St. WPA Bulletin: To insure the safety of pupils in the Cushman School, North End, WPA has rebuilt… read more
W.P.A. project description: “Dedham Parkway and Turtle Pond Parkway; a project in operation at the end of the year will provide a parking area on each of these two parkways in the Hyde Park district.”
A Boston Public Works Department report cited Federal Emergency Relief Administration (F.E.R.A.) labor as conducting the following work: “Repairs to fender piers of Dorchester Avenue Bridge.” The bridge spanned Fort Point Channel.
A Boston Public Works Department report cited Federal Emergency Relief Administration (F.E.R.A.) labor as conducting the following work: “Work of splicing piles, replacing decayed pipe caps, stringers, planking, etc., was done at Dover Street Bridge, on both fender piers. Both… read more
The historic East Boston Station post office was constructed with federal Treasury Department funds in 1939. The post office contains New Deal murals.
Works Progress Administration (W.P.A.) workers constructed Edgemere Road in West Roxbury, Boston, Mass. WPA Bulletin: One of the most difficult tasks en- countered by WPA in the construction of many miles of Boston streets was the building of Edgemore [sic]… read more
A Boston Public Works Department report cited Federal Emergency Relief Administration (F.E.R.A.) labor as conducting the following work: “The Election Department building, at the corner of Broadway and Dorchester avenue, was repaired.” The building is no longer extant.
Created for the former Everett branch post office, the mural “Mail for New England” is an example of New Deal artwork. Painted by Stephen Etnier, and completed in 1940, the work has since been relocated to Boston’s Back Bay post… read more
“Sites of WPA projects to preserve historic shrines include … Faneuil Hall, Massachusetts.”
Works Progress Administration (W.P.A.) laborers repaired Boston’s old Fort Hill Fire Station during the mid-1930s. The building was torn down in 1952 to make way for construction of the since-buried downtown freeway.
“The following work was done by the W. P. A.: At Fort Hill Wharf Disposal Station a sprinkler system was installed; fence, floor and ramp, and roof were built.” The exact location of the facility is unknown to Living New… read more
The Works Progress Administration (W.P.A.) conducted improvement work at Fort Standish on Lovells Island in Boston, Mass. Project information: “Improve buildings and grounds [at Fts. Banks, Warren, Strong, Andrews, Ruckman, Duvall, Standish]” Official Project Number: 165‐2‐14‐251 Total project cost: $132,214.00 Sponsor: Commanding… read more