County St. Reconstruction – Attleboro MA

Works Progress Administration (W.P.A.) reconstructed County Street in Attleboro, Mass. WPA Bulletin: County Street, Attleboro, is being excavated and refilled by WPA with a seven-inch stone asphalt penetration pavement. On the south side of the street eight sewer man holes… read more
Infrastructure Development – Attleboro MA

“In Attleboro, [WPA] crews labored to install curbings, dig trenches for sewer and water lines and drained a wet area near the current Willett School …”
Ten Mile River Flood Control – Attleboro MA

“Still-visible stone walls enclosing the banks of the Ten Mile River in parts of Attleboro and North Attleboro attest to the CCC’s flood control efforts.” Some stone walls are visible, for example, from West Street in Attleboro.