Municipal Improvements – Silver Spring MD

The WPA installed water mains on Chicago Ave. and Falkland Dr. in Silver Spring and Blair Subdvision in 1935.
The WPA installed water mains on Chicago Ave. and Falkland Dr. in Silver Spring and Blair Subdvision in 1935.
The historic post office building in Silver Spring MD was constructed in 1936-37 by the Treasury Department. Its construction is sometimes mis-attributed to the WPA (Works Progress Administration). It is a typical Colonial Revival style building, often used in… read more
This 16′ x 6′ oil on canvas entitled “The Old Tavern” was painted by Nicolai Cikovsky in 1937 for the former Silver Spring Post Office, under the auspices of the Treasury Section of Fine Arts. When the old post office… read more
Sligo Creek Elementary School in Silver Spring MD – the former Montgomery Blair High School – was built in 1935 with funding from the Public Works Administration (PWA). A 1939 report by the PWA provide details: “The building contains 13… read more
Sligo Creek Parkway is a landscaped, two-lane roadway in Montgomery County MD that runs parallel to Sligo Creek and the Sligo Creek Trail. It begins at Maryland Route 650 in Takoma Park, travels through Silver Spring, and ends further north at… read more
According to the index of WPA projects at the National Archives, WPA crews both helped improve the water system and constructed sidewalks in the Woodside Park subdivision.