Municipal Improvements – Westbrook ME

The Westbrook Historical Society notes that in 1939-41 the WPA was involved in constructing sewers, planking the Bridge St. bridge, and building the Methodist Rd. in Westbrook.
The Westbrook Historical Society notes that in 1939-41 the WPA was involved in constructing sewers, planking the Bridge St. bridge, and building the Methodist Rd. in Westbrook.
The historic former post office in Westbrook, Maine was built in 1935-6 with Treasury Department funds. The building, which housed an example of New Deal artwork, is now a bank. The artwork has been relocated.
The Civil Works Administration (CWA) completed improvements at Riverbank Park in Westbrook ME. “Riverbank Improved by C. W. A. Project The C.W.A. project for improving Riverbank, and greatly appreciated by the Trustees, consisted in the closing of the unsightly dump… read more
The former post office building in Westbrook, Maine was constructed during the Great Depression and received an example of New Deal artwork: “Woodsmen in the Woods of Maine”. The oil-on-canvas mural was commissioned by the Treasury Section of Fine Arts, and… read more
The Civil Works Administration (CWA) improved the Woodlawn Cemetery in Westbrook ME Excerpt from the town 1933 report, “WOODLAWN AVENUE GREATLY IMPROVED BY C.W.A. PROJECT The three miles of avenues in Woodlawn were given a coat of gravel during the winter…. read more