Post Office – Rayville LA

The historic post office in Rayville, Louisiana was constructed in 1937 with U.S. Treasury Department funds. The building, which houses a New Deal mural, is still in use today.
The historic post office in Rayville, Louisiana was constructed in 1937 with U.S. Treasury Department funds. The building, which houses a New Deal mural, is still in use today.
“LaSalle’s Quest for the Mississippi” was painted in 1939 by Elsie Driggs and “…depicts the story of LaSalle’s travels just before he discovered the mouth of the Mississippi” (Kimmerle, 2008, p. 37). Driggs painted primarily in the Precisionist style, although… read more
The Public Works Administration (PWA) provided funds for the completion of the Rayville Light & Water Plant in Rayville, Louisiana during the Great Depression. The plant had been under construction for many years prior to the PWA appropriations, with plans… read more