17th Avenue Development – Hutchinson KS

The Civil Works Administration (CWA) conducted “grading and filling” work on 17th Ave. from Monroe Street to the city limits.
The Civil Works Administration (CWA) conducted “grading and filling” work on 17th Ave. from Monroe Street to the city limits.
The Civil Works Administration (CWA) constructed “a bridge across Cow Creek at the city tool yard on Avenue C.” There is no longer a bridge at this location.
The Civil Works Administration (CWA) “highly landscaped and beautified” Carey Park in Hutchinson, Kansas.
The Civil Works Administration (CWA) constructed a new/enlarged municipal garage just south of the Convention Hall (Memorial Hall), at the northwest corner of E Ave. B and S. Walnut St. in Hutchinson, Kansas. The Hutchinson News: “The city is acquiring… read more
Numerous improvements were conducted along Cow Creek in Hutchinson, Kansas in 1933-4 with Civil Works Administration (CWA) funds and labor: Creek straightened for one mile near the Newlin farm Creek cleaned, Adams to 5th st. Creek covered at city tool… read more
Works Progress Administration (WPA) workers built the Bison Arena at the Kansas State Fairgrounds. Other WPA-built improvements included “upgrading the fair’s sewer, rebuilding the Old Mill ride with permanent fireproof concrete, and putting in a reinforced concrete stage and basement… read more
The Civil Works Administration (CWA) conducted “bituminous mat paving” on North Plum Street in Hutchinson, Kansas, between 17th and 30th Avenues.
“Threshing in Kansas” painted by Lumen Martin Winter in 1942. “Threshing in Kansas” Medium: oil on canvas
The WPA constructed the first nine holes of this course in 1937.
As part of Civil Works Administration (CWA) work in Hutchinson, “the schools … also benefited. The northside school and kindergarten have been repainted. Liberty junior high has a new coat inside, and Sherman is half painted.” The status and location… read more
A storm sewer development project in Hutchinson, Kansas was undertaken during the Great Depression with the aid of federal Public Works Administration (PWA) funds. The PWA provided a grant of $29,093 toward the $99,675 total cost of the project. Construction… read more
A street improvement project in Hutchinson, Kansas was undertaken during the Great Depression with the aid of federal Public Works Administration (PWA) funds. (PWA Docket No. KS 1266) Furthermore, the Civil Works Administration (CWA) conducted numerous paving projects in Hutchinson… read more