Martin State Forest Entrance Markers – Shoals IN

The forest was acquired in 1933 and shortly after was developed by the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC). CCC laborers constructed two pairs of sandstone markers at the entrance of the park.
The forest was acquired in 1933 and shortly after was developed by the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC). CCC laborers constructed two pairs of sandstone markers at the entrance of the park.
The 1934 Dept. of Conservation Annual Report indicated that the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) completed “1 lookout tower.” The CCC constructed fire towers on steel frameworks to help protect the new plantings and existing forests. The fire tower at Martin… read more
The pump house was created by Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) laborers in 1934. It is the only building left from a collection of service buildings constructed by the CCC between 1933-1935.
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) workers completed the shelter house in 1934. The shelter is commonly known as “Tower Hill Shelter House.” The shelter consists of 2 sandstone fireplaces and cooking surfaces. The structure is classified as parks rustic with craftsmen… read more
The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) completed the stone bridge in 1935. The walls to the bridge are about 2.5′ high and about 8′ long.
The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) completed the trailside shelter in 1934. The walls, floors, foundation, and fireplace were constructed with stone. The structure is classified as parks rustic.