Lombard Junior High School – Galesburg IL

The original structure of Lombard Junior High School was originally constructed in 1939 as a federal Public Works Administration (P.W.A.) project.
The original structure of Lombard Junior High School was originally constructed in 1939 as a federal Public Works Administration (P.W.A.) project.
The post office in Galesburg was constructed in 1937 with funds provided by the Treasury Department. It is also the site of Aaron Bohrod’s mural, “Breaking the Prairie–Log City, 1837,” painted for the Treasury Section of Fine Arts and viewable… read more
Aaron Bohrod painted this oil on canvas mural, entitled “Breaking the Prairie–Log City, 1837,” in 1938 for the Treasury Section of Fine Arts. It is viewable in the Galesburg post office lobby. “Galesburg, IL was a planned community, established in… read more