Bayfront Park – Sarasota FL

Also known as Island Park, Sarasota’s Bayfront Park was developed during the 1930s/40s by the federal Works Progress Administration (WPA).
Also known as Island Park, Sarasota’s Bayfront Park was developed during the 1930s/40s by the federal Works Progress Administration (WPA).
Herald-Tribune: “In the late 1930s, with financial aid of the Works Progress Administration, the city of Sarasota built the Lido Beach Casino. Designed by Ralph Twitchell, the “grandfather of the Sarasota school of architecture,” the art deco-style “palace” boasted a… read more
Sarasota’s architecturally striking Municipal Auditorium was constructed with the assistance of the federal Works Progress Auditorium (WPA). “Work on the auditorium commenced in July of 1937. The federal government granted the sum of $131,000.00 towards the project. Skilled labor was… read more
The CCC did extensive work creating Myakka River State Park between 1934 and 1941. According to the Florida Public Architecture blog, it was the only camp in Florida established by an African-American division of the CCC, reminding the visitor that… read more
“The airport’s beginnings date back to early 1939 when government and business leaders from Sarasota and Manatee counties agreed to construct an airport together, designed to serve the aviation needs of the two-county area. A 620-acre site was selected on… read more