Fire Tower (no longer extant) – East Hampton CT

Only the cement foundation remains of a former wooden fire lookout tower that was built by the C.C.C. in Meshomasic State Forest. The structure was located northwest of Midwood Farm Road.
Only the cement foundation remains of a former wooden fire lookout tower that was built by the C.C.C. in Meshomasic State Forest. The structure was located northwest of Midwood Farm Road.
Meshomasic State Forest, the first such entity in all of New England, was improved and developed by the efforts of two C.C.C. camps: Camp Jenkins (C.C.C. Company #181), in operation from June 14, 1933 to Jan. 1, 1936; and Camp… read more
The historic post office building in East Hampton, Connecticut was constructed in 1937 with federal Treasury Department funds. The building is still in service.
The Civilian Conservation Corps (C.C.C.) built [Del] Reeves Road in East Hampton and Portland, Connecticut.
Camp Stuart, Civilian Conservation Corps (C.C.C.) Company #1194, operated between July 8, 1935 and May 31, 1937. It conducted development work at the newly-established Salmon River State Park. Work included construction of one mile of truck trails, “the clearing of miles of… read more