Adams Avenue Repairs – Huntington WV

The Works Progress Administration completed repairs on Adams Avenue in Huntington, Cabell County.
The Works Progress Administration completed repairs on Adams Avenue in Huntington, Cabell County.
Adams Elementary School was built in 1936 by local architect K.C. Schaub, contracted by the PWA.
Adams Field, also since known as Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport, was first constructed during the early 20th century. The federal Works Progress Administration (W.P.A.) assisted with the airport’s development. The W.P.A.’s Division of Operations wrote: This project is… read more
Adams Gym is a combination auditorium and gymnasium built of rubble masonry construction with a wood floor and steel trusses supporting the roof. The Works Progress Administration built the gym under official project number 65-66-4648.
The Adams Hall project included a series of murals reflecting different aspects of Oklahoma business life by Craig Sheppard, a fine arts student at the time. The murals “illustrate some of the prominent industries in Oklahoma’s economy, including farming, stock… read more
Adams Hall was constructed as the school of business for the University of Oklahoma in 1935 by the PWA. Joseph Smay was on the architecture faculty and designed this and Richards Hall in 1935. Included in the project is a… read more
Now the Ellis-Polk Police Station. Remodeled room for telatype and general complaints.–Healy, p.72. Originally the Adams School Annex, this building was then the San Francisco Ellis-Polk or "Northern" Police Station for many years. Though the inscription above the door now… read more
Adams St. in Boston, Mass. underwent reconstruction as part of a Public Works Administration (P.W.A.) project.
“The Rex Activity Center is one of twelve buildings designated to Alamosa’s Historic Registry… Designed by architect William Bowman and constructed in 1938-39 as a Public Works Administration project, Rex Gym is one of the oldest buildings on campus and… read more
A public swimming pool in Adel IA was built by the Works Progress Administration in 1935. One of the earliest municipal pools constructed in Iowa, the facility was around for a good share of historical events – war, environmental disasters,… read more
The Colonial Revival style Adjutant General’s house at Camp Withycombe was constructed by Works Progress Administration workers in 1938. Although a military facility since 1909 when it was developed as a rifle range, Camp Withycombe had few permanent structures before… read more
The abstract mural titled “Art,” by Lloyd Moylan, was funded by the WPA’s Federal Art Project. The medium is tempera on plaster. There were music classes held on the second floor of the ENMU Administration Building, which explains the choice of… read more
“The 12th Chapter of Ecclesiastes” Medium: tempera on plaster The mural occupies a stairwell. All its components cannot be viewed at once. The following text is quoted from an informational postcard handout available on site: In 1937, the Work Projects… read more
The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was present in Death Valley National Monument from 1933 to 1942. CCC ‘boys’ built erected a total of 76 buildings in the monument, including administrative, residential, maintenance & visitor facilities. The main CCC camp was… read more
The Hannibal Armory is constructed of rock that was obtained from a local quarry that also was the source for the adjacent Clemens field baseball field. There is a locked room that was previously used for arms, but the majority… read more
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) workers built a shelter at Admiralty Cove as part of the Admiralty Island Canoe Route, created from 1933 to 1937. This route included shelters, portages, dams, cabins, boathouses, and skiffs and was part of a program… read more
From 1933 to 1937, the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) created a canoe route from east to west across Admiralty Island with multiple shelters, trails and a bear-watching tower at Pack Creek. The CCC Canoe Route is on the National Trust… read more
“The Adobe building, located on the grounds of the Castro Valley Elementary School, was leased to the Hayward Area Recreation and Park District for use as a community center. The Adobe was a Works Progress Administration (WPA) project designed by… read more
In 1937 the federal Works Progress Administration rebuilt San Diego’s Adobe Chapel of the Immaculate Conception “close to its original site.”
The WPA constructed a cluster of buildings at O and Golden State streets, including a sizeble adobe office building, as well as some shop and storage buildings. The former is currently unused. Its last occupant was Kern County Parks &… read more
The PRRA built rural schools across the Island through its Program of School Construction. Between 1937 and 1938, “The Federal government authorized the expenditure of $3,000,000 by the Puerto Rico Reconstruction Administration for school buildings. Of the original grant, $1,000,000… read more
The Works Progress Administration (WPA) managed an adult education program in Rochester, New Hampshire during the Great Depression. The program replaced a similar one that had been locally organized and funded. A somewhat disdainful attitude toward federal assistance is typified… read more
“By January, 1937, the Works Progress Administration had supervised the painting of one hundred and eight town markers, airport symbols, and meridian markers throughout Maine.” (Marker is for the capital of Maine, but work was spread throughout the state)
Affton High School was built by the PWA in 1935-37. The school has since been sold and repurposed into an extensive senior living center (The Village at Mackenzie Place). The old high school is at the front of the complex… read more
Afton High School was constructed in late 1934 as a New Deal project. The Public Works Administration (PWA) provided an $18,000 loan and $7,507 grant for the project, whose total cost was $26,287. PWA Docket No. OK 1948. OKHistory: This… read more
Vocational night school. Eighteen classrooms. Near high school. ‘Bids will be opened […] for constructing Agassiz elementary unit of twelve classrooms to be located at Bartlett and Twenty-second Streets. Masten and Hurd are the architects. The estimated cost is $179,000.’–The Architect… read more
Originally constructed as Public School 27 (P.S. 27) in Red Hook, Brooklyn by the federal Work Projects Administration. The school was described by the WPA in 1940: “Will serve the Red Hook Housing Project, was completed in June, 1940. A… read more
The single-story stone building was constructed by the WPA in 1940. It is of native stone veneer, quarried from the George Keck farm north of Berryville (Story, 1992). It is in the Plain Traditional style.
The National Youth Administration constructed a 1-story “very modernistic” brick classroom building for the Holmes County Agricultural High School in 1940 (Goodman High to have work). Architect James Manly Spain designed the building containing auditorium, classrooms, cafeteria, and basement. Approximately… read more
Pennsylvania State University’s Ag[ricultural] Engineering building was one of a dozen buildings constructed on the campus during the Great Depression as part of a massive construction project enabled by the federal Public Works Administration (PWA). The building is still in use… read more
From The Fur Farms of Alaska: Two Centuries of History and a Forgotten Stampede: “In 1937, the legislature responded by appropriating $20,000 to establish an experimental fur station near Petersburg on land to be selected by a committee of three—… read more
The New Deal’s Civil Works Administration (CWA) employed 40 men “in making improvements” at what was then known as the Fort Hays Branch of the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station (now Agricultural Research Center).
The National Youth Administration began construction of a vocational classroom building for agriculture and home economics for the H. O. M. E. Consolidated School in Big Level in 1938 as W. P. 5209. The building was constructed of concrete blocks… read more
The National Youth Administration construction the agriculture vocational building at the Stringer School in 1938, employing 25 boys in the project.
The Atlas of Historic New Mexico Maps, produced with assistance from the New Mexico Humanities Council and the New Mexico Chapter of the National New Deal Preservation Association, lists a number of New Deal schools in Santa Fe, including Agua… read more
Between 1935 and 1943, the Ah-Gwah-Ching (“out of doors” in Ojibwe) sanitarium housed “more the 160 items including prints, watercolors, oils and woodcarvings by such artists as Bob Brown, Henry Bukowski, Reathel Keppen, Dorothea Lau, Alexander Oja and Bennet Swanson,”… read more
Aimee Gorham created a large wooden marquetry at the rear of Ainsworth auditorium. The piece is usually hidden behind band equipment and room dividers. In danger of damage unless acknowledged as US property, not Portland Public School property. According to Barry N…. read more
The Texas Highway Department and the Federal Works Agency Public Roads Administration built an overpass in 1941 to separate the grade of Airline Drive and the Houston Belt and Terminal Railway tracks. The overpass is currently open to traffic.
The W.P.A. developed what is now known as Belfast Municipal Airport, in Belfast, Maine. W.P.A. project info: “Construct municipal airport” Official Project Number: 165‐1‐11‐120 Total project cost: $1,020,780.00 Sponsor: City of Belfast
The Works Progress Administration (WPA), in conjunction with the War Department, developed Beverly Airport in Massachusetts. WPA project details: “Construct municipal airport” Official Project Number: 165‐1‐14‐265 Total project cost: $168,866.00 Sponsor: War Department “Construct runways at airport” Official Project Number:… read more
The Works Progress Administration (WPA), in conjunction with the War Department, developed Fitchburg Airport in Massachusetts. WPA project details (referred to as ‘Leominster’): “Improve municipal airport” Official Project Number: 165‐1‐14‐260 Total project cost: $121,270.00 Sponsor: War Department “Make improvements to airport”… read more
The federal Civil Works Administration (CWA) worked to construct an airport for Grand Marais, Minnesota in 1933-4. Living New Deal believes this to be Grand Marais Cook County Airport, which is still in use today.
The W.P.A. worked to develop what is now known as Havre City County Airport, in Havre, Montana. W.P.A. project info: “Develop and improve airport” Official Project Number: 265‐1‐91‐58 Total project cost: $522,520.00 Sponsor: City of Havre and Hill County
Among the numerous infrastructure improvement projects undertaken by CCC Company 1915 near Hawthorne, Nevada was the construction of the town’s new “12-acre airport.” Living New Deal believes that this is what is now known as Hawthorne Industrial Airport.
The Works Progress Administration (W.P.A.) developed Mackinac Island’s airport, originally a “simple grass runway.”
“Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal programs helped the community… Additional aid came when the Works Progress Administration provided funds that … developed the airport …” The airport in question is unclear to Living New Deal. A good candidate, the… read more
From the Pittsfield Historical Society: One project that had far-reaching importance to Pittsfield was the construction of an airport. Mr. McDonough was an old baseball player and he urged many of the towns to build baseball fields. Our officials preferred… read more
The W.P.A. worked to develop what is now known as Princeton Municipal Airport, in Princeton, Maine. W.P.A. project info: “Improvements to airport” Official Project Number: 165‐1‐11‐52 Total project cost: $358,036.00 Sponsor: War Department “Make improvements to municipal airport” Official Project Number:… read more
The Works Progress Administration (W.P.A.) aided in the construction of Raton Municipal Airport. Official Project Number: 265‐1‐85‐63 Project cost: $265,565.00 Sponsor: City of Raton